Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back in Iowa!

We're back from the wedding. And there is no shortage of wedding pictures.
You can check out my pictures here.
Amy's pictures here.
And the chapel has pictures up too. (Along with the wedding video).

It was fun playing photographer. Though I imagine it's easier to play photographer when you are not also personal attendant, moh, baby sitter, make up artist, etc, etc. ;)

We had a great week. R had a great birthday. And soon I'm sure I'll have tons of pictures posted from it all. For now, we're recovering on the couch. Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, R!!

My best friend turns 32 today. I remember giving him such a hard time at 27 because he was so 'old.' I just don't even have anything to say about 32! ;)
We'll celebrate the big 3-2 in Vegas this year. What a great birthday present I'm giving him! ;)

Happy Birthday, R. Thanks for everything you do for us. I love you!


So this week we'll be on an airplane with a 3 year old. It's his very first flight ever. (By the time you read this, we'll have already had the big day.) I think he will probably be excited and very well behaved.

However.... I could be wrong.

So just in case... I'm packing some special things just for him in my carry on. (Yes, I know he's not my child but everyone's favorite aunt has goodies in their bag for them.)

1.) The Stinky Cheese Man and other fairly stupid tales.
Maddox loves this one. It's fairly long to read and he'll sit through the entire book again and again. And again. It's a special book that he only gets to read at Aunt H's house since he doesn't have it at home. Make that Aunt H's house and the airplane.

2.) Crayons and paper.

3.) A special way to store the crayons and paper.
Enter: Ugly. Mr. Ugly. I've been wanting to make an Ugly doll for quite sometime. I have plans to make an Ugly Princess as my niece just turned 5 and she may need a pillow to start storing lost teeth in. But in the meantime, a Mr. Ugly can make a great crayon/paper holder for a 3 year old boy.

Mr. Ugly is really easy and really cheap.

Start with a pile of scraps and crafting junk that have been laying around waiting for an organized home. Ahem.

Try not to get distracted by the other 10 things on the crafting to do list (ie. making wedding coordinated hair flowers).
Scrap together some pieces of fabric into the shape of rectangles. Add eyes, nose, and a mouth to the front. Add a pocket to the back. Take four leftover scraps from camera strap covers and stuff them with cotton.
Stitch the arms and legs along the side (or tops and bottoms). Stitch Xs across the top that will serve as hair and will be a game in themselves. (Stay tuned).
Lay the front along the back, right sides together. Stitch along the sides and top. Turn right side out. Stuff the bottom with stuffing. Stitch the bottom closed with a really ugly zig-zag stitch that looks like a scar (You'll be able to make up a great story about this scar on the butt later. Three year olds named Maddox love fighting stories and the word butt.)
See that lower left corner that somewhat looks like it doesn't belong? It's actually a letter D. If you look carefully, you can find all the letters in Maddox's name. It's a game. That's where the Xs as hair come in. (If you are stuck on finding the O, it's the eyes, back button, or polka dots. Any will be counted correct if you are 3 years old.)
Cut up some scrap paper so it fits the pocket. Tie it together with ribbon.
It's actually a double pocket- paper in the inside pocket, crayons on the outside pocket that buttons closed.
Ta da. Mr. Ugly is really ugly and ready for his first airplane ride.
1. Mr. Ugly is a great story tool (scars on butt).
2. Mr. Ugly supplies crayons/paper (that'll be entertainment for about 4 minutes).
3. Mr. Ugly provides neck support on the plane.
4. Mr. Ugly is hiding all the letters to Maddox's name and Maddox has to find them.

Then we'll read Stinky Cheese Man again.

Happy summer traveling!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This Life

This life. This life of excitement. Of good friends. Fun. Family. Abundant blessings.

This life is better than I deserve.

Today is a good day.

Monday, July 26, 2010


No. Not that orchestra. This orchestra. The Hickstionary Orchestra.

The one that's been pretty fun. Pretty crazy. Pretty exciting. Pretty unexpected. Sometimes pretty traumatic. At times pretty devastating. But always pretty darn good.

But some of those pretty traumatic times have taken their toll. We were talking about those times last week. And as we were, a trusted mentor asked me if I thought God orchestrated that [one particular] incident. The question caught me off guard but it's one I've heard before.
"Does God make bad things happen to His people?"

In a short, my answer is no. No, God doesn't do bad things. God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

But God is in control.

And sometimes He's opening doors for me and I do everything I can to ignore them. I run the other way. I close my eyes to them. I stay in my comfort zone. I ignore Him.

God knows I'm a slow learner. And He's good at rocking my comfort zone and making it less... well, comfortable. He's shut some doors on me and made it pretty clear as to where I'm not supposed to be. He's opened some doors to some other options. A few, actually. And He tells me it's okay. It's okay to trust in Him.

Just trust.

And let Him orchestrate.

Because all of the orchestra. The fun. The crazy. The exciting. The unexpected. The traumatic. The devastating. The good. It all works together for the good of His kingdom. And He's definitely leading it.

And it is good.

Pretty darn good, indeed.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose." -Romans 8:28

Sunday, July 25, 2010


How does your calendar look? Is it jam packed with place after place that you need to run to?

Last week we went to our friends' church to hear the guest pastor. Between all the little boys around us (one singing Jingle Bells. ahem.), I was able to catch some of the message (but oh how I love those little boys!).

"It's easy to tell what your priorities are by looking at your checkbook and your calendar."


I'm not sure God would be impressed with the calendar at our house this summer.....

Saturday, July 24, 2010


The lost pictures from Mo's party. :)

I told you about the amazing cake she and Maddox decorated.

And what a great photographer she is.

But I forgot to tell you how incredibly cute she is.

Especially when she had several false alarms and attempted to blow the candles out on her cake sooo many times during that long 'Happy Birthday' song. She'd catch herself and stop herself from doing it each time and was a little shy about it. But oh so happy when she finally got to blow them out at the (almost) end of the song. :)

I love this little girl soooo much.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Mo's Party

I had been procrastinating on posting Mo's party pics because I couldn't find them..... I have no idea where the memory card is with her party pictures on it. So these couple that I pulled for 365 will have to do.

Morgan requested chocolate cake. Pink and purple balloons. And Taylor Swift.
The first two were easy peasy.
Taylor Swift. Well. Turns out she's pretty busy and hard to get for a 5 year old's birthday party.
We improvised with microphone cakes (she had a Hannah Montana guitar last year so we couldn't redo the guitar cake) and a Taylor Swift dance party. Morgan and Maddox decorated the microphone cupcakes 98% on their own. I decorated a little purple cake for Mo, we put a microphone on it. And Mo & Maddman got to decorate their very own cake. I have some awesome pictures of it and as soon as I find them I'll post them. The cake was pretty amazing! :)
We grilled out, did cake and presents, then Mo had a swimming lesson. It was fun to watch her with the kids in her group. (I got pictures there too I want to post! Ugh, memory card!)
After lessons it was back to grandma's house to check out some of the birthday presents. She is already very good at the camera we got her. (Ah. I bet SHE has some great birthday party pictures!) And she got her very own real guitar. She's already gone through 3 (4?) Hannah Montana guitars.
She's definitely a rockstar.
And she's crafty too. Those birthday hats? Made by Morgan! (And she so lovingly handed them out and made sure everyone had the chance to wear a birthday hat.)
I love this little girl!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Oh no. I'm so sad."

Last weekend, when Maddman was here, a storm came through. We had 70+ mph winds with tornadoes nearby. Needless to say, we were all up in the middle of the night listening to all the debris slam against the house. Maddox was so afraid, but not for himself. He just wanted Dakota up in bed with us so he would be safe. So R, Maddox, Dakota, and I were all piled into the bed. (It was short-lived though, Dakota knows better and jumped down as soon as Maddox would let him.)
We were blessed to only have minimal damage. Our porch was rearranged. The neighbor's trampoline found a new spot. Part of our sideboard blew off. (Thankfully Gabe had recently fixed our siding!) But the bean bags forgotten in the yard from yard games were left untouched. (Oh, and someone cashed in on the bag of cans out in the street.)
When Maddox looked out the window in the morning, he said, "Oh no. I'm so sad." I suppose it was the thought of the neighbor kids not having their trampoline though because on the way to church when we saw huge trees down, roots ripped out of the ground, trees on houses, and on broken power lines his response was, "Whoah!"
Last I heard on the news tonight there were just a couple houses left without power.
Makes me so thankful for the AC and the power that runs it this time of year.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Family Bike Ride

It's our Anniversary. And I'm blogging. But I can do that because he's outside working on stuff. Right? :)
We went for a family bike ride tonight. Dakota ran 4 miles. We were impressed with him.
I documented it. Without stopping. In a skirt.
You can decide whats more impressive.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Happy 3rd Anniversary, R!


It doesn't seem like a year ago that I posted this post on our 2nd anniversary.
Since then, we've grown together a lot in our marriage. We've grown in our faith. We've grown in our commitment to each other.
I've learned a lot since them. I've learned a lot about life and love. And I've learned a lot from R. He's a great teacher when it comes to teaching me (especially about patience!). And who knew that the sugar goes on the cereal after the milk? (I sure didn't!)
Three years ago we laughed together at the altar. Three years ago we ate key lime cheesecake. Three years ago we held hands while walking around the casino at 2am not wanting the night to end. Three years ago we said 'I do.' Three years ago we made a forever promise. We became one.
Thanks for taking this journey with me, R. Happy Anniversary!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I'll post some pictures from Mo's birthday party as soon as I get them uploaded but this gem was mixed in with my photos from Zane's session and I had to post it. He's a pretty special little guy. He likes to play 'ice road truckers' on the dining room table. He loves "The Stinky Cheese Man" and he eats garlic toast for breakfast. Yes, breakfast. In a pinch, when he really wants to spend the night unannounced, he can make size 6-9 month pajamas found in our basement work as capris. And he makes them look cool. He rarely sits still to let me get a picture of him. In fact, you can probably tell by his face that he didn't know I had the camera out. Once he realized it, he quickly went back to his food. I said, "Hey, Maddox, turn around and smile." So he, of course, turns his head the other way and says cheese. And I got a nice snapshot of the back of his head. I'm sure the smile that I couldn't see was amazing.
Gotta love him.


"The people that matter, the people that care about you, the people that know your heart; they aren't going to judge you. And the people that don't, well they'll forget about it in 6 weeks anyway."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer Snacking.

I tend to snack in the summer. Okay. Fine. I tend to snack all the time. It's just easier in the summer. And when this magazine came in the mail today, I was inspired to grab a healthy snack out of the fridge. I even looked up a recipe for the perfect hard boiled egg. It was too many words so I skipped the recipe and just boiled the egg using mom's 12 minute, or is it 18 minute?, method. Thanks Blue for inspiring me to be a health nut. At least for today. What? Health nuts don't eat peaches n' cream doused in sugar? Well I guess it's better than a nutty bar.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday, Morgan!

Yikes. Didn't I just post this post the other day?!?!
How is she already FIVE?

Dear Morgan,
Happy 5th Birthday! I can't believe it was FIVE years ago that you were born. Five years ago I was working for I-JAG and came to the hospital after work to await your arrival. Five years ago I excitedly brought your baby pictures to work to show Rusty. Five years ago I became an aunt for the first time. Five years ago I saw your teeny tiny little face and I loved you right away. Just because you are you.

I try to tell you to stop growing so fast, but it isn't working. Every time I see you, you have grown up more and more.
You are a people pleaser. Whenever you come to our house you are a big helper. You love Dakota. We rarely have a conversation that you don't ask about him. You follow me around and want to do what I'm doing. You LOVE taking pictures. You don't know it yet, but at your birthday party Friday you'll get a present from Rusty, Dakota and me that will help with that. :) You like Taylor Swift and Hannah Montana (still) and are quite the little rockstar. While I'm not sure I knew what a computer was when I was your age, you are quite savvy on it. You love your cousin Maddox. You swim like a fish. You requested a Taylor Swift birthday party with pink and purple balloons and chocolate cake. This year you graduated from pre-school and gave yourself a haircut. It was scary at first but you rock it pretty well. You pose perfectly for pictures, but I have to be quick, because when you are ready to be finished times up. You have an extraordinary fashion sense. I like your style. I like your smile. I love you.

Happy FITH Birthday!

Love you soooo much!
-R, H, & Dakota


Hey, Iowa friends (and everyone else)! If you aren't familiar with Sara's (Gitz) blog, you can check it out here. She's from Algona, home bound, and recently unexpectedly lost her dad.
Jessica Turner posted a link to where you can send Sara a free card (until July 21). It takes about 2 minutes to do. If you have the time, go check it out.

Sunday, July 11, 2010





This is God's will for me? To give thanks?

This is God's will for me. This moment.


Right here. Right now. This. This family. This career. This husband. This friend. This body. This stress. This love. This happiness. This bank account. This dog. This house. This town. This day. This life.


This is His plan. His will. His doing.

This moment is my life. I'm happy for this. I give thanks for this.

And this.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Complaint About Complaining

One day I logged into facebook only to see a status that kicked me right in the stomach.

"wish I could knock that girl out. If only I wasn't pregnant."

Uh. Excuse me?

Once I picked my jaw up off my keyboard, I was pretty offended by it. I mean, I can (barely) take the complaints about nausea and bratty kids and needing a break from all those bratty kids that made them nauseated for 9 months. But wishing you weren't pregnant so you could knock someone out. Really?

Then quickly, I was reminded of how often I've complained about my job. About my dirty house. About my burnt dinner. About my annoying amazing husband.

How many people do those complaints kick right in the stomach? The unemployed. The homeless. The hungry. The widow. And the list of people I've offended is as long as that list of complaints.

"When you feel like complaining, it's God inviting you to give thanks."

That's the quote I read on my work computer. I guess I need to post it in a few more places.

Starting with facebook.

"give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

Life. Liberty. Pursuit of Happiness. Dirt Roads. Watermelon. Laughter. Friends. Red, White, & Blue. Steak. Sun. Road Trip. Contagious Giggles. Bare Feet. Cute Kids. Sweet Corn. Swimming Pool. Pond. Bags. Horseshoes. (Waiting) Zipline. Lounging. Walks. Trees. Laughter. Fire Pit. Fireworks. Country Music. Small Towns. Side Trips. Food. Fun. Freedom.

Happy Fourth of July!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Holly's Shower

Holly's wedding shower was a couple weeks ago back home. The big Vegas wedding is THIS month and the reception will be down home in August.
The shower was a Pampered Chef shower. I love Pampered Chef bridal showers because there's time to socialize and there's no need for the circle of everyone watching the gift opening. I remember at my wedding shower everyone was so generous and the gifts were really great. I really did love them all but it was so embarrassing because afterwards I realized I said, "OH I just LOVE it!" after about every gift I opened. I guess I didn't think about other things to say when you open a gift (I really did love them all though!).
Yes, we used the cliche shower snack trays and punch glasses. I like them 100x better than paper. Even if they are cliche. :)

Pampered Chef sells an apron that you can use as a sign in but this is just one I made. Not as fancy but a lot cheaper and more personalized. The 'chargers' are actually just textured scrapbook paper.

Instead of a card basket, we had guests bring a recipe to share with Holly. Rusty might argue that this recipe is not the best meatloaf recipe ever, but this recipe has a lot more meaning behind it to the bride than Rusty's favorite meatloaf recipe.

Next time you see Holly, ask her what Peggy's note means...
Oh and do you notice the blob? Mo & Maddman were helping me set up the day before.... They signed in for the party too! :)

The lovely Pampered Chef Queen. (She demonstrated veggie pizza, of course!)

Quick slideshow I put together of Holly & Andrew's engagement pictures.

From Holly's yard. I want.

We played two quick games. Andrew's sister was in charge of that department (you know how bad I am at planning shower games!). The center pieces doubled as favors for the guests.

We were so excited Aunt Diana was in town for the shower!

Recognize the littlest in the picture? I'll be seeing her again next month for 6 month pictures. Hard to believe she'll be 6 months already. It will be her 3rd visit for pictures!

Orange Wedding Shower Punch:
6 oz frozen orange juice concentrate
64 oz apricot nectar juice
1/2 box orange sherbet
2 L sprite or 7up

Lots and Lots

I have lots and lots of updating to do. I haven't even posted a picture on the Hickstionary in forever way too long. So hopefully before the busy weekend I'll get a chance to get caught up around here.

Starting with Mo.
Can you believe she'll be FIVE this month? I cant. And I'm not sure how I feel about it.
She came for her 5 year pictures and did a fantastic job. She's such a sweetie!
She even had her own ideas about where and how she wanted to do her photos. "You know, Heidi. I was thinking we should do my pictures down by the big jungle and the treasure." (Remember our treasure hunt from last time?) :) And she's full of unsolicited poses. At one point I asked her why she had her hand in front of her face (she was pulling at her mouth). She said, "I'm trying to make it a BIGGER smile!" :) So definitely check out her pictures. She's a doll. I may be a little biased but I think you'll agree.

Not much of an update on Dakota. He's been out of his kennel for a few months now and he loves it. So far he hasn't messed a single thing up being out (not that he ever did before) so it may be time to officially retire the kennel. He doesn't even go into it on his own anymore like he used to. He's still not so sure about all of these people at our house and he's definitely not sure about all the cute puppies that have been around. Especially the one next door that gets way more attention then he does. We are trying to decide if he is bike ride trainable. I got a new bike so R & I have been going for lots of rides. So far we haven't taken Dakota along. Poor guy!

R & I have been staying super busy with work. {captured by} heidi has taken off 100x bigger than I ever dreamed. I've exceeded my original goals and am now set on bigger sights. God is good. R has been working with the basketball program and for his friend Nick. I'm working on a little page for them. Check it out: West Central Tree Service. (And call them- unless you have a neighbor with a hitch and a video camera for youtube!) ;)

We've been trying to get as much sun and fun in as we can. Hopefully I'll remember to take some fun pictures of this weekend. Happy 4th!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

summer lovin'

There's so much I love about summer.
Here's a tiny part of it. In no particular order.

Sun. Lunch dates with R. Lunch dates with J. Swimming. Plates of Banana Bars. Sun. Fun. Watching R work. Bike rides. Bike baskets. Junking. Thrifting. Shooting. Designing. Free Tanning. Sleeping in. Peaches 'n cream. Fire pits. Lightning bugs. Tomatoes. Flowers. Friends. Family. Sun. Porch swings. Pet rocks. Being outside. Catching up with friends. Tuesdays. Sundays. Mondays. Yes, Mondays. Sunsets. Smores. Corn on the cob. Uncle Doyle's ice cream. Walks. Roller blading. Lemonade stands. Sun.

i. love. summer.
