Monday, February 23, 2009


Once every 15 years.......
......we get family pictures!!
Last time we had family pictures: Todd's senior year..... '94.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I can't believe it is already February 10th! We've continued to stay busy with basketball. Freshman games are over and Varisty districts are next week. There is an end in sight!
We had people over again this year for the Super Bowl. Ang's birthday was the 2nd so we also had a cake for her birthday.

Last weekend, I took the day off from basketball and went to Kari's party, spent the afternoon with Jen, then brought Morgan home with me to spend the night. She made a tutu and was VERY excited about it!
Hillary, Adam, and the girls met us at church and afterwards we met the Peasley's for lunch. It was Ang's, Tiana's, and Adam's birthday week so we celebrated them all! Ang and I went and did pottery after lunch, it was tons of fun! We don't get it back until next week but I'm hoping mine ends up matching the last piece I made. And although the forecast calls for snow and colder temps, I think it is worth mentioning our high is 60 degrees today!!!
