Thursday, January 6, 2011

TTMT (yes I know it's Thursday again!)

I've had a few people checking in on me as I skipped TTMT (again). Rest assured, the Hicks family is doing okay! We are just trying to get back into the swing of being back at work but still having appointments, basketball, photo sessions, and all the other things going on.
Here is another Thursday version of TTMT:

This week's:
What's a verse that you are leaning on right now? (Could be your all time favorite but doesn't have to be.)

Right now the verse I think about the most is Isaiah 40:31. It's a favorite of a lot of people (but ironically not one of mine). I actually have had it stuck in my head because I had made a necklace that said it for one of my best friends. It had been sitting on the counter waiting to be wrapped for awhile so I just tried it on one day before work and wouldn't you know- it fit. I ended up liking it a lot and made my friend another version of the necklace so I could keep this one myself wouldn't have to give her a used necklace. :) I've been reminded of this verse daily as I wear it bound on my neck and continually try to rest in Him.

One of my real favorite verses:

Hebrews 11:1- "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and sure of what we cannot see."

Though I have a lot of favorites, I don't have a lot of time right now so maybe I'll update this later.. and start taking my own advice on auto publishing TTMs so we can all play along a little better! :)

Next week's:
Readers choice. Comment, inbox me, facebook me- leave me ideas for some 2011 Talk To Me Tuesdays. :)

Okay- That one is updated because some of you emailed me great ideas and I must have deleted them or something because I can't find them now! Sorry. :( Leave them in the comments here (PLEASE!). :)

The next, next weeks:
This one is a do rather than an answer.... Go out and do a random act of kindness. Post the idea on your page. (For ideas see Secret Agent L's blog... you may recognize one on there from my friend Secret Agent (other) L)

Okay: So what's your favorite verse (or one you are currently leaning on)? Comment with your link to it here. And thanks for your patience as the Tuesdays roll into Wedn.... Thursdays. Love y'all!

Updated: If you don't blog, YES you can still play. Leave your answer in the comments.

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